Mehmed Sâdık Erzincânî, •1136 - 1209 [1723 - 1794]

Mehmed Sâdık Erzincânî, •1136 - 1209 [1723 - 1794] Four Risales and a Letter of Dedication
Author’s copy about Sufi customs, traditions, and ethics

Four Risales and a Letter of Dedication

Manuscript in Ottoman Turkish
4 Risales in 1 Vol. , 27 + 57 + 58 + 19 + 2 = 153 pp.,
19 x 14 cm.

Order No.: MSS_114
Status: available
Price: 2 500 € (excl. VAT)

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Mehmed Sâdık Erzincânî, also named Muḥammad Ṣādiq al-Arzinǧāni Muftīzāda, Mehmed el-Erzincani, and Muḥammad Ṣādiq Ibn-ʿAbd-ar-Raḥīm al-Muftī.

Author of four risales (small texts in the form of a treatise on principles, rules and secrets of the Naqshibendi order. At the end a dedication in the form of a letter to his dervish colleague Mustafa, signed Fukara Muhammad Sadık Erzurumî Derviş Sâdık Erzincânî, 1185 [1771].

1. Risâle-i Terbiyenâme.
Author's copy, dated 1185 [1771], 27 pp.
A treatise on Sufi customs, traditions and ethics.

2. Risâle-i Ma'rifetü'n-nefs
Author's copy, dated 1185 [1771], 47 pp.
In this treatise, people are divided into three groups as "ehl-i dünyâ", "ehl-i ukbâ" and "ehlullah", and the nafs levels of each group are explained.

3. Risâle-i Mergūbe
Author's copy, dated 1192 [1778], 58 pp.
the treatise begins with his short autobiography in epistolary form; Then the theme of asking for forgiveness of the followers who are at different levels of Nafs is explained.

4. Risâle-i Mahbûb
Author's copy, dated 1194 [1780], 19 pp.
In this treatise, the four levels of the soul are referred to as city symbols under the titles of "nafs-i emmare" (soul of evil, sin and lust), "nafs-i levvame" (soul of repentance), "nafs-i mulhime" (soul of inspiration), and "nafs-i mutmainne" (soul of liberation from doubts, fears).