Seyyed Mir Hamza Nigârî ( 1219 – 1313 H. / 1805 – 1896 AD)

Seyyed Mir Hamza Nigârî  ( 1219 – 1313 H. / 1805 – 1896 AD) The Complete Works
Most likely an author’s copy

The Complete Works

Manuscripts and Printed Parts in Ottoman Turkish.
Bound in one volume:
1. Dibace/preface, manuscript, 2 pp.
2. Silsila, manuscript, 1 p.
3. Divân-ı Seyyid Nigâri Be-Zeban-ı Türkî and Çaynâme, Istanbul 1302 [1886], Süleyman Efendi Matbaası 366 pp. (with handwritten additions of parts not printed)
4. Nigarnâme, manuscript, author’s copy, 187 pp.
5. Menâkıb-ı Seyyid Nigârî, manuscript, 10 pp.

Order No.: MSS_105
Status: available
Price: 4 450 € (excl. VAT)

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Mir Hamza Nigari is the most famous mystic in Anatolia and Caucasia in the 19th century. Nigari was born in the town of Zengezur in the Caucasian region of Karaba and received his primary education there. While still young, he moved to Anatolia and joined the smail irvani sect in Amasya. Nigari, who taught mystical principles in Istanbul, Erzurum and Harput, died in Harput and is buried in Amasya.

ad 2: Silsila in Sufism is the spiritual chain of a sheikh that connects him to the Prophet Muhammad through previous generations of mystics. Silsila is a spiritual ("golden") chain of power transmission that plays a central role in all Sufi orders (tariqa). This way the founders of an order gains authority and thus the ability to gather followers around them. Only very few founders of an order, renouncing a silsila, declared to have received their blessing power (baraka) directly through a vision from the Prophet. Crucial to the prestige and veneration accorded to a Sufi sheikh is the number and importance of the previous masters in his chain.

ad 4: Nigarnâme is the main work of Mir Hamza Nigari. It is based on the last two handwritten lines at the end of the manuscript: "Hatmeyleyen imdi ol kelamı / Mahbub-u Hüda'ya var selamı".
"The one who finishes these lines salutes Mahbub-u Hüda, the beloved of God, the Prophet Muhammad". Author’s copy bearing the date 1302 [1886], ten years before his death.

ad 5: Masnaw , a literary genre of two-line poems, the author's spiritual life. Most likely an author's copye.