el-Ḥācc Şevkī Süleymām Meḥmed

el-Ḥācc Şevkī Süleymām Meḥmed Mukhtaṣar Manāsik
Manuscript on the Rites of the Pilgrimage

Mukhtaṣar Manāsik

Elegant naskhī script in Ottoman Turkish without illumination.
Dated 1125 H / 1713 AD
37 leaves at 21 lines
22 x 15.5 cm
Carton binding

Order No.: MSS_157
Status: available
Price: 2 400 € (excl. VAT)

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Ottoman-Turkish translation and adaptation of a very widespread work describing the rites of the pilgrimage (ḥajj orʿumra) in detail. It is authored by a certain el-Ḥācc Şevkī Süleymām Meḥmed.

The manuscript includes the colophon of the author’s copy, but it might as well be a later copy that is based on the author’s copy dating 1 Jumādhā II 1125 h. (waqaʿa al-farāgh bi-yadd muʾallifihi al-faqīr Sulaymān b. Muḥammad ash-shahīr bi-al-Shawkī ghurra Jumādhā al-ākhir li-sana khamsa wa-ʿashrīn wa-miʾā wa-alf).