ʿOsmānzāde Aḥmed [Tāʾib]

ʿOsmānzāde Aḥmed [Tāʾib] Ṣiḥḥat-ābād
Medical Manuscript about Smallpox


Elegant naskhī script in Ottoman Turkish.
Plain but appealing illumination.
24 leaves at 11 lines
24 x 13.5 cm,
Ottoman-style leather binding with flap

Status: available
Price: 2 700 € (excl. VAT)

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At the beginning of the 18th century, various poets in Istanbul wrote poems with titles such as Ṣıḥḥatnāme or Ṣıḥḥat-ābād, in which they refer to Sultan Ahmed III's (r. 1703-1730 AD) fight against smallpox. The present work was written by ʿOs̱mānzāde Aḥmed [Tāʾib] in a mixture of prose and poetry (cf. Talât Sait Halman et al., Türk Edebiyati Tarihi, II, 459).

The manuscript includes two colophons:
1. the colophon of the authors copy by Aḥmad b. ʿOs̱mān el-müderris, first decade of first decade of Rebīʿ el-āḫir 1120 H (June 1708 AD);
2. The colophon of the copyist Muṣṭafā al-Vaṣfī, 17 Jumādī al-āḫir 1301 H (April 1884 AD).