
Haqani Ḥilye-i Ḫāḳānī –  About the physiognomy of the Prophet
Manuscript of famous and widely read poem

Ḥilye-i Ḫāḳānī – About the physiognomy of the Prophet

Manuscript in Ottoman-Turkish. Nasḫī.
23 fol.
No date, approximately second half of 18th century
Contemporary binding

Order No.: MSS_164
Status: available
Price: 1 750 € (excl. VAT)

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Illumination of the title, citations from al-Shāmāʾil in red

Famous and widely read poem by the Ottoman-Turkish poet Ḫāḳānī (d. 1015 H/1606 AD) describing the physiognomy of the prophet Muḥammad. Based on al-Shaqāʾiq al-Nabawiyya by the ḥadīth scholar al-Tirmidhī.

Owner’s seal by a certain ʿAbd al-Razzāḳ dated 1197 H. [1782 AD] (“hüve ‘l-Ḫallāḳ - ʿAbd al-Razzāḳ 1197”). Later added on the last folio are instruction and recommendation about how to pray.