Lekegian, Bonfils, et al.

Lekegian, Bonfils, et al. ISLAMIC ARCHITECTURE OF CAIRO (1890/1900)
Splendid Large-Format Album


Album with 96 photos exclusively on Islamic Architecture, mainly by Lekegian and Bonfils.

Our offer includes original photos, their digital reproduction, and cataloguing data. Reproduction and description of each photo as on the flyer.

Order No.: PHO_ZM
Status: available
Price: 5 760 € (excl. VAT)

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Focus of this album is exclusively on Islamic Architecture of Cairo. It’s mosques are in the center of interest of the collector:
Abu Bakr Mosque, Amr Mosque, Mosque of Ibrahim , Al-Azhar Mosque, Mosque of Barquq, Qalawun Mosque, Mosque of al-Burdayni, Qayt Bey Mosque, Ibn Touloun Mosque, Sultan Hassan Mosque, Muhammad Ali Mosque, Mamlouk Tombes in the City of the Dead.
Further a number of views on Bab-el-Wazir, Souk el Selah, Darb el Labban, Sabil-Kuttab of Abd al-Rahman Katkhuda, Church of St. Barbara in Old Cairo.

96 splendid large format photographs ( mostly c. 20 x c. 26 cm) are in very good condition. Of the 96 photographs 56 are by Lekegian, 7 by Bonfils, 4 by Lehnert & Landrock, one each by Reiser and Sébah. – The album is supplemented by 20 postcards with same or similar motifs as the photographs but in postcard size.

For cataloguing and digital availability, the album is offered with an electronic inventory in Excel and/or pdf format and a digital reproduction of each motif in high resolution (approx. 2 MB per item).