Beato, Bonfils, Lehnert & Landrock, et al.

Beato, Bonfils, Lehnert & Landrock, et al. PHARAONIC MONUMENTS IN CAIRO AND UPPER EGYPT (1890/1900)
Splendid Large-Format Album


Album with 82 photos, half of which by Beato, Bonfils and Lehnert & Landrock, c. 1890-1900

Our offer includes original photos, their digital reproduction, and cataloguing data. Reproduction and description of each photo as on the flyer.

Order No.: PHO_ZN
Status: available
Price: 4 750 € (excl. VAT)

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Focus of this album is exclusively on Pharaonic monuments in Cairo and Upper Egypt. 82 splendid, mostly large format photographs (mostly c. 20 x c. 26 cm) are in excellent condition. Of the photographs 41 are by Beato, Bonfils and Lehnert & Landrock.

For cataloguing and digital availability, the album is offered with an electronic inventory in Excel and/or pdf format and a digital reproduction of each motif in high resolution (approx. 2 MB per item).