Abdullah Frères, Sébah, et al.

Abdullah Frères, Sébah, et al. CONSTANTINOPLE IN THE 1890s: Street Scenes, Daily Life, and Architecture
Well-Preserved Large-Format Album

CONSTANTINOPLE IN THE 1890s: Street Scenes, Daily Life, and Architecture

Album with 48 photos mainly by Abdullah Frères and Sébah & Joallier, dated 1890-1900.

Our offer includes original photos, their digital reproduction, and cataloguing data. Reproduction and description of each photo as on the flyer.

Order No.: PHO_ZO
Status: sold
Price: 2 880 € (excl. VAT)

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The focus of this album is on daily life, studio photographs, and architecture on Istanbul, then Constantinople, in the 1890s.
Subjects covered are amongst others:
- Market scenes, workshops, barbers, merchants, porters, soldiers of various troop category, and several photos of street dogs (!)
- Urban structures, mosques, fountains, markets, harbours, houses, coffee shops

Photos in this well-preserved and splendid album have generally a size of c. 20 x c. 25 cm and are in very good condition. Of the 48 photographs 32 by Abdullah Frères or Sébah & Joallier.

Our bibliographic and archival services for libraries and museums:
For cataloguing and digital availability the album is offered with an electronic inventory in Excel and/or pdf format and a digital reproduction of each photograph in high resolution (c. 2 MB each). These services are included in the price.