

– Part 2 of the Research Library of Dr. Geoffrey Roper (Cambridge) –

Approx. 140 titles, some multi-volume, in various languages, principally English, Arabic, Turkish, Persian, French, German and other European languages. They are mainly on book history with a focus on printing and publishing history in the languages and countries of the Middle East and Islam. The collection also covers the history of book printing in Arabic in other parts of the world. Mostly publications of the last 50 years, but a few are older (19th century).

Pdf-Flyer available for download. (See below!)
Excel list of titles is currently being prepared and available upon request.

Geoffrey Roper, who compiled this collection over decades, was the driving force behind four symposia on the history of printing and publishing in the languages and countries of the Middle East, held in Leipzig, Mainz, Paris, and Alexandria between 2008 and 2011. These symposia aimed to build a body of knowledge and understanding of a hitherto neglected aspect of the intellectual and social history of the Middle East. The starting point of this research project was the thesis that only when a considerable amount of dat...
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Ibn Khaldun Abū Zayd ‘Abd ar-Raḥmān ibn Muḥammad ibn Khaldūn al-Ḥaḍramī 732 - 808 [1332 – 1406]


Manuscript in Ottoman Turkish. Translation of Muqaddimah by Pirizade Mehmed Sahib, Sheikh al-Islam of Mahmud I.
Copied by Osman bin Osman bin Mustafa el Erzurumî in 1270 [1853]
650 pp., 18.5 x 32 cm.
Handwritten Ex Libris and seal of Ismail Hakki Bey, Member of the Courthouse under the reign of Abdülmecid I.
Ottoman style full leather bound with flip.

Ibn Khaldun's introduction - "Muqaddima" - to his universal history is one of the seminal works of historical scholarship. In it, the 14th century Arab scholar explores the reasons for the rise and fall of empires in an astonishingly modern way. Some modern thinkers view it as the first work dealing with the social sciences of sociology, demography and cultural history. Ibn Khaldun has been described as a precursor or an early representative of social Darwinism. Ibn Khaldūn as widely seen as a sociologist befo...
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Eliah Mizrahi

Teshuvot u-Sheilot (Questions and Answers or Responsa)

Early example of Hebrew printing from Istanbul/Constantinople,
Solomon ben Isaac Jabez, 1560.
[8], 318, [6] pp.,
Modern morocco-backed boards,
28.5 x 19.5 cm.

Questions, answers and fatwas by our wise and revered Rabbi Eliya Mizrahi on the rules discussed by rabbis in religious academies (yeshivas) in this country, Spain, France and Germany. Teshuvot u-Sheilot was printed under the editorship of Solomon Kabuli, the son of our learned Rabbi Menahem Kabuli, in the printing house of Solomon ben Isaac Jabez, the son of our Rabbi Yitsak Jabez, during the reign of our Gebieder (Efendi) Sultan Suleyman in the capital Constantiniyye. May the Lord strengthen and glorify his throne. This bo...
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Vekâyi-i Devlet-i Alîye (Events in the Sublime State / the Ottoman Empire)

Printed in Ottoman Turkish
Istanbul: Matbaa-i Osmaniye, 1309 [1892]
ÖZEGE 19772
12 Vol. I: 6, [2], 381 p., II: 6, 391 p., III: 6, 388 p., IV: 4, 365 p., V: 4, 370 p, 1 Illustration, VI: 7, 412 p., VII: 7, 367 p., VIII: 362 p., IX: 320 p., X: 278, 7 p., XI: 9, 275 p., XII: 8, 286 p.
Half-leather bound, 26 x 17 cm.

Ahmed Cevdet Pascha (* 1822 in Lowetsch; † 1895 in Istanbul)Ottoman statesman; historian and lawyer. His life’s work includes the participation on various law codifications (known as the Mecelle) and the creation of the “Grammar Book of the Ottoman Language” which he wrote together with Mehmed Fuad Pascha. Between 1854 and 1884 he published 12 volumes of Tarih-i Cevdet (‚Chronicle of Cevdet‘; originally Vekâyi-i Devlet-i Alîye‘) which was a continuation of Hammer-Purgstalls „Geschichte des osmanischen Reiches“. In February 1...
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Mehâsinü’l-Âsâr ve Hakaikü’l-Ahbâr (The Charms and Truths of Relics and Annals)

Printed in Ottoman Turkish
Cairo: Bulaq, 1246 [1830] ÖZEGE 225192
2 Volums in 1 Vol., I: 14, 210 p.; II: 7, 190 pp. (The first 2 folios of the index of vol. 1 are damaged and some text is missing. A photocopy with the full text has been inserted)
Half-leather bound, 28 x 18 cm.

“The Chronicler Ahmed Vâsıf on Agency, Causality, and a Reformist Philosophy of History”18th century Ottoman court chronicles are rarely studied as products of active, inquisitive minds. Most often they are seen as factual records without larger aims or messages. Such an approach, it should be s aid, obscures the chronicler's role in bringing his own sense and form to history. This paper will explore some ways in which one prominent Ottoman historian came to terms with the past, above all the strange and inexplicable. A...
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Ravzatü'l-hüseyin fî Hûlâsat-ı Ahbâri'l-hafikayn(Garden of Elegance Containing Extracts of on the Orient and the Occident)

Printed in Ottoman Turkish
Istanbul: Matbaa-i Âmire 1259 [1843]
ÖZEGE 150876
3 Vols. + appendix about “Edirne Incident” 15, 462 + 15, 451 + 10, 460 + 6, 10, 465 + 6, 452 + 8, 442 + 58 p.
Half leather bound, 21.5 x 14 cm.

NAIMÅ (1655-1716). Historian. His real name was Mustafa Naim. Bom in Aleppo, he went to Istanbul at an early age, entered the bureaucracy, and rose to the position of secretary of the Imperial Council. In 1700 the grand vizier Amucazade Hiiseyin Pasha appointed him curt historian. After 1704 Naimå served as the director of the Registry of Landed Property (Defter Emini) and chief accomtant (Ba Muhasebeci 1713), and finally director of Land Registration for the Morea (1715), where he died (Patras, Greece). Naima became celebra...
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Tarih-i Gülşen-i Maarif

Printed in Ottoman Turkish
Istanbul: Matbaa-i Âmire 1252 [1836]
Not in ÖZEGE but AEKMK - BDK
2 Volumes. 8, 1-848 + 6, 849-1693 p.
Half leather bound, 22.5 x 15,5 cm.

History of the Ottoman Empire from the beginning to the Treaty of Karlowitz, signed on 26 January 1699 in Sremski Karlovci, in modern-day Serbia, concluding the Great Turkish War of 1683–1697 in which the Ottoman Empire had been defeated at the Battle of Zenta by the Holy League. It marks the end of Ottoman control in much of Central Europe, with their first major territorial losses after centuries of expansion, and established the Habsburg Monarchy as the dominant power in the region.Feraizcizâde Mehmed Said, died 1836 in B...
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Tarih-i Nişancı Mehmed Paşa (History of Nişancı Mehmed Paşa)

Printed in Ottoman Turkish
Istanbul: Tab'hane-i Âmire, 1279 [1863]
ÖZEGE 198803
348 pp., cloth spine, leather covers, 18 x 13 cm.

The historical work, titled Tarih-i Ni ancı Mehmed Pa a, but originally titled Siyer-i Enbiya-i izam ve ahval-i hulefa-i kiram ve menakib-i selatin-i Osman, was written at the instigation of Sultan Suleyman and is still one of them today most popular most used historical manuals of the Ottomans. After a very short about one Quarter of the whole-filling treatment of world history (patriarchs, Muslim dynasties, etc.) is presented in more detail the Ottoman imperial history from Osman up to Suleyman, and indeed until the year 9...
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Tarih-i Umûmî (General History)

Printed in Ottoman Turkish
Istanbul: Kasbar Matbaası, 1305 - 1306 [1888 – 1889]
3 Volumes in 1 Vol.
357 + 3, 384 + 392 p.
Half leather bound, 19.5 x 13 cm.

Ibrahim Hakki Pasha lived between the years 1863 and 1918. He was a scientist who lectured in the schools such as The Faculty of Political Sciences and The Faculty of Laws. He served as a legal advisor to the Ottoman Government and during this mission, he took charge in a lot of commissions dealing with political, judicial and financial issues. Besides, he served as an ambassador at Rome and Berlin after he ran The Ministry of Internal Affairs and Education. In 1910, he was appointed as Grand Vizier and during his office, he...
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Mufassal Türk Tarihi (1. Kitab) (Turkish History - 1st Book)

Printed in Ottoman Turkish
Istanbul: Âmire Matbaası, Maarif Vekâleti Ne riyatı, 1341 [1923]
160 pp., 6 double pages, 2 folded maps (41x44 cm.)
ÖZEGE 14012
Full leather bound, guilded ornamental covers and guilded edges, 23 x 16.5 cm.

Mehmed emseddin Günaltay (1663-1961) was historian and politician. He was the the 8th prime minister in the Republic of Turkey in 1949-1950....
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Hakaikü'l-kelam fî Tarihi'l-İslâm (Truths about the History of Islam)

Printed in Ottoman Turkish
Istanbul: Matbaa-i Âmire, 1297 [1880]
ÖZEGE 66205
3+357 pp.
Full leather bound, guilded ornamental covers, 19.5 x 13.5 cm.

[Abdüllatif] Suphi Pasha (1818-1886) was a historian and education specialist. He was the founder of the Faculty of Fine Arts (Sanayi-i Nefise Mektebi) and The Archological Museum (Müze-i Hümayun) in Istanbul.He planned in his work Hakaiku'l-Kelam fi Tarihi'l- slam a general history of the Islam in many vulumes, but only the first volume is published about the time from the beginning of Islam to the time of Caliph Ali....
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Mekâtib-i Askeriye-i âhâneye Mahsûs Tarih-i Osmanî (Ottoman History. For Military Schools)

Printed in Ottoman Turkish
Istanbul: Mekteb-i Fünûn-u Harbiye-i âhâne Matbaası, 1308 [1891]
ÖZEGE 12728
309 pp., paperback, 23 x 16 cm.

Me rutiyet era history textboks are importance reliable resources not only they reflect the understanding of the Me rutiyet by the state but also of the effects of these boks on generations who later founded the republic. Therefore making research about these textbooks have great importance to understand the matter. This work aims to introduce Fatihli Mehmet Tevfik Pasa who wrote a history course book wich was studied among all military schools of Me rutiyet era. Mehmet Tevfik Pasa’s history book must be considered different...
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Memâlik-i Devlet-i Âliye-i Osmaniye Co rafya-yı Sevkü'l-cey isi(History and Geography of the Ottoman Empire)

Printed in Ottoman Turkish
Istanbul 1302 [1885] (?)
ÖZEGE 25207
218 pp + 186 pp manuscript

A rare book about the History and Geography of the Ottoman Empire.The first 218 pages are printed, the following 186 pages are a manuscript....
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