Scholarly Libraries & Collections
– Part 2 of the Research Library of Dr. Geoffrey Roper (Cambridge) –
Approx. 140 titles, some multi-volume, in various languages, principally English, Arabic, Turkish, Persian, French, German and other European languages. They are mainly on book history with a focus on printing and publishing history in the languages and countries of the Middle East and Islam. The collection also covers the history of book printing in Arabic in other parts of the world. Mostly publications of the last 50 years, but a few are older (19th century).
Pdf-Flyer available for download. (See below!)
Excel list of titles is currently being prepared and available upon request.
Geoffrey Roper, who compiled this collection over decades, was the driving force behind four symposia on the history of printing and publishing in the languages and countries of the Middle East, held in Leipzig, Mainz, Paris, and Alexandria between 2008 and 2011. These symposia aimed to build a body of knowledge and understanding of a hitherto neglected aspect of the intellectual and social history of the Middle East. The starting point of this research project was the thesis that only when a considerable amount of dat...
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Approximately 400 volumes published between 1902 and 2006 in various European languages (mostly English and German)
This rich reference library on oriental carpets comprises around 400 volumes and is now for sale in its entirety.
In addition to numerous handbooks and monographs, this reference collection also contains a range of important exhibition and auction catalogues. Most of the titles contain large-format colour illustrations, maps and tables. The condition is very good.
The collection focuses on the varieties, production methods and history of oriental carpets over the centuries. Countries and regions of origin covered are Pe...
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Ibrahim Müteferrika
Complete set of all 17 titles printed by Müteferrika between 1729 and 1742 plus additional 4 titles printed posthumously on his printing press (1756 - 1786)
Rare Early Printed Books in Ottoman Turkish.
21 Titles Totalling 27 Volumes
Condition well above average and in several cases excellent
Paper quality in almost all cases excellent
Extremely few pages are missing
1. Ebu Nasr Ismail bin Hamad el-Cevheri, Kitab-i Lugat-i Vankulu (Arabic-Turkish Dictionary), 2 Volumes, Istanbul 1729. 2. Katib Celebi, Tuhvetü'l-Kibar fi Esfari'l-Bihar (In memory of the great naval battles), Istanbul 1729. 3. Judas Thaddaeus Krusinski, Tarih-i Seyyah der beyan-i zuhur-i Aghvanian va Davlat-i Sahan-i Safavian (A Book of Travels to the Land of the Afghans and the Persians), Istanbul 1729. 4. Muhammed bin Hasan el Mes'udi, Tarihü'l-Hind al Garb al Musamma bi Hadis-i nev (The History of Am...
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