Evliya Çelebi

EVLIYA ÇELEBI – Collection of Sources & Working Library
Collection contains all indispensable sources and working tools related to Evliya Çelebi’s extensive opus.
This material served as Klaus Kreiser's working library for the publication of his latest book on the famous chronicler:
Evliya Çelebi: Das Reisetagebuch. Die Welt zwischen Wien und Mekka. München: C. H. Beck 2023 [Evliya Çelebi: The Travel Diary. The world between Vienna and Mecca].
Items as per flyer & pdf list. (Also available in Excel)
Order No.: COL_143
Status: sold
Price: 7 750 € (excl. VAT)
Evliya Çelebi (1611 - c. 1683) is the most important travel writer, chronicler and polyhistor of the Islamic early modern era. For almost two hundred years he has occupied Ottoman, historical and philological research in many disciplines.
This collection includes mainly first editions, scholarly partial editions, translations and a complete facsimile edition, as well as an almost complete collection of monographs. In addition, there are extensive collective works (such as the so-called Evliya Çelebi Atlas) and indispensable working tools such as glossaries and bibliographies.
Particular mention should be made of antiquarian rarities such as the undated and bibliographically untraceable type printing of the selection (Müntehabât) and the first English translation by Joseph von Hammer[-Purgstall] (London 1834), the Hamidic type printings (vols. 1-6) and the Latin-script editions (vols. 9-10) must still be consulted today, as much of the research literature is based on them. – Items as per attached pdf list. (Also available in Excel)
Klaus Kreiser, Emeritus of Turkish Language, History and Culture at the University of Bamberg. From 1996 to 2001 he directed the project Individual and Society in the Mediterranean Muslim World of the European Science Foundation, was Visiting Professor at the University of Chicago, and Senior Fellow of the Mercator Foundation/Sabancı University.