Ibrahim Müteferrika
Complete set of all 17 titles printed by Müteferrika between 1729 and 1742 plus additional 4 titles printed posthumously on his printing press (1756 - 1786)
Rare Early Printed Books in Ottoman Turkish.
21 Titles Totalling 27 Volumes
Condition well above average and in several cases excellent
Paper quality in almost all cases excellent
Extremely few pages are missing
Order No.: RAR_116
Status: available
Price upon request
Click for further details
1. Ebu Nasr Ismail bin Hamad el-Cevheri, Kitab-i Lugat-i Vankulu (Arabic-Turkish Dictionary), 2 Volumes, Istanbul 1729.
2. Katib Celebi, Tuhvetü'l-Kibar fi Esfari'l-Bihar (In memory of the great naval battles), Istanbul 1729.
3. Judas Thaddaeus Krusinski,
Tarih-i Seyyah der beyan-i zuhur-i Aghvanian va Davlat-i Sahan-i Safavian (A Book of Travels to the Land of the Afghans and the Persians), Istanbul 1729.
4. Muhammed bin Hasan el Mes'udi, Tarihü'l-Hind al Garb al Musamma bi Hadis-i nev (The History of America and the West Indies), Istanbul 1730.
5. Jean-Baptiste Holdermann, Grammaire Turque pour Apprendere la Langue Turque (Turkish grammar for learning the Turkish language), Istanbul 1730.
6. Ahmed bin Muhammed bin Abdullah Ibn'Arabsah, Tarih-i Timur Gurgan (The History of the Mongol Ruler Tamerlan), Istanbul 1730.
7. Süheyli Efendi, Tarih-i Misr al-Cedid, Tarih-i Misr al-Kadim (The history of the old and the new Egypt), Istanbul 1730.
8. Murtaza bin Ali Nazmizade, Gülsen-i Hulefa Tarih-i Ba'dad behist abad (History of the Khalifs of Baghdad), Istanbul 1730.
9. Ibrahim Müteferrika, Usul ül-hikem fi nizam il-ümem (Foundations of Governance in the Order of States), Istanbul 1732.
10. Ibrahim Müteferrika, Füyuzat-ı Mıknatıssiyye (The use of magnetism and the compass), Istanbul 1732
11. Katib Chelebi Mustafa ben Abdullah, Kitab-i Cihannüma (World Atlas), Istanbul 1732.
12. Katib Chelebi Mustafa ben Abdullah, Takvimü't Tevarih (Histories of the World), Istanbul 1733.
13. Mustafa Naima, Tarih-i Naima (History of the Ottoman Empire), Istanbul 1734.
14. Mehmed Rasid, Tarih-i Rasid (History of the Ottoman Empire in 3 volumes), Istanbul 1741.
15. Ismail Asim Efendi, Tarih-i Çelebizade (History of the Ottoman Empire), Istanbul 1741.
16. Omar Bosnavi, Ahval-i Gazavat der Diyar-i Bosna (Ottoman-Austrian Wars 1736-1740 in Bosnia), Istanbul 1741.
17. Hasan Suuri, Neval ül-fudala ve Lisan ül-acem (Persian-Turkish Dictionary in 2 volumes), Istanbul 1742.
18. Süleyman Izzi, Tarih-i Izzi (History of the Ottoman Empire), Istanbul 1785.
19. Mustafa Sami/Hüseyin Sakir/Mehmed Suphi, Tarih-i Sami ve Sakir ve Suphi (History of the Ottoman Empire 1730-1743), Istanbul 1784.
20. Ebu Nasr Ismail bin Hamad el-Cevheri, Kitab-i Lugat-i Vankulu, (Arabic-Turkish Dictionary - New edition of the first book from 1729), Istanbul 1756.
21. Güzelhisarli Zeynizade Hüseyin, I'rabü'l-kafiye (The Art of Rhyme in the Arabic Language), Istanbul 1786.