Muhammad Imam Birgivi and Şeyh ‘Aliyyü’s-Sadrî el-Konevî

Muhammad Imam Birgivi and Şeyh ‘Aliyyü’s-Sadrî el-Konevî 1) Vasiyetnâme – The Last Will and Testament of Imam Birgivi; and 2) Şeyh ‘Aliyyü’s-Sadrî el-Konevî's commentary on Birgivi's Testament
A manual for spiritual practice throughout the Muslim World

1) Vasiyetnâme – The Last Will and Testament of Imam Birgivi; and 2) Şeyh ‘Aliyyü’s-Sadrî el-Konevî's commentary on Birgivi's Testament

Two Manuscripts in Ottoman Turkish
(1) Copied by Sakir bin Mahmud, 1217 [1802]
156 leaves, 21 x 15 cm
(2) Copied by Ahmed es-Sehid Tahir Hac Mehmed Efendizade, 1133 [1720]
200 leaves, 20 x 13 cm.

Order No.: MSS_111
Status: available
Price: 3 500 € (excl. VAT)

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Muḥammad Imam Birgivi who lived 928 - 980 [27 March 1522 – 15 March 1573] was a Muslim scholar and moralist who lived during the height of the Ottoman Empire and whose texts are used to this day as manuals of spiritual practice throughout the Muslim world. His full name, in Arabic, is Taqī al-Dīn Muḥammad Ibn Pīr ʿAlī al-Birkawī. Born Muḥammad ibn Pīr ʿAlī, in Balikesir, Ottoman Empire, in 1522, Mu ammad was sent to the capital Istanbul to study theology as a young man.

He studied law under the chief military judge (kazasker) of the Ottoman Empire, became a dervish and attached himself to a Sufi master of the Bayramiyyah order. After working as a judge for a short period in Edirne, Birgivi became an ascetic, resigned from his government post and returned his salary.

Imam Birgivi is known to be the author of some the twenty-seven works dealing with theology, the art of reciting the Qurʾān, dogmatics and various legal issues. He is most famous for his catechism in Turkish entitled Risale-i Birgivi, also known as the Vasiyetname, available in many printed editions, and translated into several European languages.

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Şeyh ‘Aliyyü’s- Sadrî el-Konevî who died in 1114 [1702] was one of the most influential thinkers in Sufi philosophy. He wrote a commentary on Birgivî's Vasiyetname. Several other authors have also produced commentaries on this work. One of these works is that of Şeyh ‘Aliyyü’s- Sadrî el-Konevî's, which is concerned primarily with issues of faith, worship, and ethics.