Viranî Baba

Viranî Baba Kitab-ı Viranî Baba
Important Sufi Poet

Kitab-ı Viranî Baba

Manuscript in Ottoman Turkish, copyist unknown, written 1217 H [1802 AD].
70 pages, 20 x 12 cm.
Marbled cardboard cover with leather spine.

Order No.: MSS_122
Status: available
Price: 2 900 € (excl. VAT)

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Viranî Baba, an important figure of the Bektashi order, is considered one of the seven great poets of Sufism. He is a mystical poet who deals with the Bektashi teachings in his works. "Kitab-ı Viranî Baba" is one of Virani's most important works. It deals with topics such as religious and moral advice, the Prophet Muhammad, His Holiness Ali, the Twelve Imams and the love of Ahl al-Bayt. Hurufism is a belief system that assigns new meanings to numbers and letters. Many sources indicate that it has influenced Bektashi literature. Virani Baba dealt with Hurufism extensively in his works. He used the 28 letters in Arabic and the 32 letters in Persian to explain a variety of religious concepts.

Hurufism (Arabic ḥurūfiyya), science of letters and letter formation, is a mystical-gnostic variant of Sufism founded by Fazlallāh Astarābādī (1339-1401), also called Faḍl Allāh Ḥurūfī, in the later 14th century.

Numerology [number symbolism] is the assignment of meanings to individual numbers or combinations of numbers, whereby the numbers are given a symbolic function that refers beyond their mathematical function. This symbolism is observed, with differences in expression and function, in religion, liturgy, literature, customs and superstition.