Philips Demonstration Tour "La voix du géant" – Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia, 1930
Photographc Diary

Philips Demonstration Tour "La voix du géant" – Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia, 1930

Photographic diary of 89 concerts and demonstrations in three months on a tour over 9000 km through the three Maghreb countries

Our offer includes original photos, their digital reproduction, and cataloguing data. Reproduction and description of each photo as on the flyer.

Order No.: PHO_AA
Status: available
Price: 2 250 € (excl. VAT)

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Presumably an internal documentation of a promotion tour of the Philips company for a radio and speakers system called "La voix du géant".

Stops of the tour through Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia from end of February til May 1930 are meticuously recorded in the form of a diary.

Daily handwritten entries are accompagnied by photographs, newspaper clippings and other original documents. The promotional events (“concerts“) in the various towns and villages are documented, as are the locations themselves.

For cataloguing and digital availability, the album is offered with an electronic inventory in Excel and/or pdf format and a digital reproduction of each motif in high resolution (approx. 2 MB per item).

More details upon request.